Lets talk about COVID-19...
To our Dewey Station Fam,
I am sitting here writing to you in a very surreal and uncertain time. The COVID-19 pandemic is hitting Australia hard, with many of you working from home and many more of you gearing up to join them. Our thoughts are with you all as we start to navigate through the constantly changing landscape brought upon us by the Coronavirus.
Now is the time for us all to band together and support each other. Most importantly to us, please make sure you are all staying safe, looking after yourselves and reducing all unnecessary risks. Remember to be kind in these times when everyone is in a place of panic and uncertainty, and smiling at a stranger or voicing that lovely thought you just had may make someones day, and to only buy what you need. Essential services will stay open, you will be able to do your food shop.
Stefan & I are still doing deliveries whilst we can. We live in Mawson Lakes so are more than happy to drop bottles to your door… no handshake required! Vintage is seeming a little bit crazy at the moment (crazier than usual even) but Stef is working very hard to get all our wines through and safe which is our main priority. The fruit we have got in is smelling beautiful though and we can’t wait to get it into bottle and into your glasses!
We can't wait to see you all on the other side and are looking forward to resuming wine shows and tastings as soon as it is safe. In the meantime, if you are bored as anything and have any questions about wine that you have always wanted answered, please feel free to email through to stefan@deweystationwines.com.au and we will be happy to distract you for a while.
All our love
Stefan & Ellie X